Dr. Gorgas Wellness Blog-STRESS- referred to as the “Silent Killer”


referred to as the

“Silent Killer”

Your body was designed to respond to short bursts of stress, followed by long periods of rest and relaxation. In today’s world, however, time to relax is considered a luxury, while stress levels are at an all-time high.

The short -term release of cortisol and adrenaline into the blood stream prepares the body for an essential and quick response to potential danger. Chronic stress causes a continuous release of cortisol and adrenaline into the blood stream which can be damaging to the body if left unresolved.


As the body “stress hormone “cortisol provides the body with quick bursts of energy and has additional benefits such as reducing inflammation. DHEA is your body anti-cortisol hormone. Without DHEA, long term elevated cortisol levels would wreak havoc on the body. As a stress – buffering mechanism, DHEA directly binds to receptors in the brain that promote a sense of relaxation and decreased pain. DHEA also supports insulin sensitivity, maintains tissue strength and repair, boosts immune function and promotes a sense of well-being.

It is important that cortisol and DHEA levels remain in proper ratios in order to maintain the optimal balance that is required by the body.

Additional stress buffering mechanisms include the brain chemicals (NEUROTRANSMITTERS) Serotonin and Gaba. These two are chemicals once released from the nerve cells create a sense of positive mood and relaxation they are very important counterparts to the fight-or-flight chemicals epinephrine and norepinephrine which put the body in over drive, to heighten awareness and sharpen your reflexes. Maintaining healthy serotonin and GABA levels can help the brain put the brakes on your stress response so you can remain calm under pressure.

Also adrenal stress has direct impacts on thyroid function it reduces conversion of T4 to T3, also promotes autoimmunity by weakening immune barriers and causes thyroid hormone resistance.

Proper thyroid function depends on healthy adrenal glands

Under stress, your body releases the hormone cortisol too much cortisol can interfere with thyroid hormone production : It can stimulate the thyroid to work harder to create sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone.

Testing your Cortisol and DHEA levels can be a valuable tool for determining if your body is functioning properly

We test Cortisol levels and DHEA from saliva, with this test we also included Male and Female Hormones and food sensitivity to milk, eggs and gluten.

Please click on this link SALIVARY ADRENAL STRESS AND HORMONE  TEST if you are interested in purchasing it to  help identify additional imbalances that may be affecting your health.



There is 3 Stages of STRESS


  • Alarm Phase-(Hyper Cortisol )

stressful situations are causing high cortisol production and you feel restless,irritated or “wired”. When symptoms are left unchecked they can eventually affect other systems in the body such as weakening of the immune response as well as contribute to loss of sleep, anxiety,weight gain,insulin resistance and blood sugar fluctuation

  •  Resistance Phase-(Cortisol Dominant)

This stage maybe the result on going acute adrenal dysfunction or the accumulation of years of mild stress without adequate relaxation and recuperation. Lab testing may indicate erratic patterns of cortisol production, inadequate diurnal rhythm, as well as reduced levels of DHEA.

  •  Exhaustion Phase- (Hypo Cortisol)

This later stage of dysfunction is typically associated with with a multitude of issues, including fatigue, severe insomnia, depression, hormonal imbalances, or an increase in pain and inflammatory conditions. Tests results will show depleted levels of Cortisol and DHEA. Individuals will have the most difficult time doing the simplest tasks.

People think of STRESS as only emotional or mental but there is 4 keys stressors

  1. Blood Sugar Control

  2. Mental and Emotional

  3. Insomnia

  4. Inflammation

As examples you may have a low level of anxiety in your life, or you may be getting enough sleep each night, but if you are consuming a diet high in sugar, your cortisol, as well as insulin, levels will be on a continuous roller coaster ride.

Another example would be someone who eats a balanced diet, has a low level of anxiety but has a high degree of inflammation in his or her body. That inflammation is sending signals to the HPA AXIS to secrete the cortisol needed to put out the inflammation fire.

The driver of HPA axis dysfunction is required to work over time, cortisol and DHEA levels will eventually become imbalanced, along with other systems in your body.

So the question is Which of the 4 Key Stressors are contributing to constantly triggering a stress response in your body


Please understand stress it’s just not emotional!


Take  control of your health!



Please click on this link SALIVARY ADRENAL STRESS AND HORMONE  TEST if you are interested in purchasing it to  help identify additional imbalances that may be affecting your health.

Learn the 4 most Important questions to ask when told your labs are normal but still suffer from low thyriod symptoms.

Download free report now.