Happy National Coffee Day!

Today is “NATIONAL COFFEE DAY” in United States.☕️???

Hundreds of millions of people drink coffee on a daily basis.

Benefits of coffee:

  1. High in antioxidants
  2. Protects Liver
  3. Aids physical activity
  4. Supports Cognitive Function

**Some Cancer  treatments even include coffee enemas ( blonde coffee) to help get rid of toxins.

Risks of Coffee:

    1. Addiction to caffeine leading to caffeine overdose. It can overstimulate your body and when you don’t have it headaches, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, adrenal fatigue.
    2.  Can alter mood and Hormones especially if you have existing health conditions


But like  I always say you have to find your “sweet spot”in life and also with coffee.

If you go to a coffee shop please be aware of the chemicals, additives, sugars,non organic milk, non organic coffee… and also your pocket ….

Drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning that you prepare at home  with organic coffee and alkaline water.

Enjoy it!


***PS: That’s me enjoying my “cafecito” in Cuba ??

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